Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hello! I'm Jess, and I'm one of your friendly blogging Volunteer Leaders (VLs) for this fall. More about us and what we do later.

For now, something about me: I'm 24. I'm originally from Connecticut, but I moved down to New Orleans about two and a half years ago to go to Tulane. I make hats out of Mardi Gras beads. (Seriously. It was the only way to stop them from cluttering up my closet.)

If there's anything you're especially interested in hearing about the VL training, Hands On, or the city in general, let me know. (If you don't, me and Rosalie reserve the right to use this blog to talk primarily about desserts. I don't think anyone wants to see that happen.)

Feel free to comment here, or, email me at


Unknown said...

What do you do on a daily basis, and what are your biggest challenges? What is most needed in New Orleans?

What can people who don't live in New Orleans do to get involved and support you guys?

Jess @ Ice Cream and Permafrost said...

Good questions, commenter!

Right now our time is pretty much divided between training and setting up Hands On's new volunteer housing facility. We're also in the early stages of starting to plan our service projects. And this weekend, we get our first experience as team leaders, working with a company that's sending 200 employees to volunteer fixing up a school.

What's most needed? Way too big a subject for one comment. Personally, I think the housing situation is the most immediate problem - the other problems in the city can't be fixed if people don't have a place to live.

As far as people who don't live in New Orleans, I feel like just being aware of the situation here helps. I'll post links and resources later.