Thursday, October 16, 2008


From bunkhouse

We started as Volunteer Leaders here the same day HONO started moving into their brand new Volunteer Housing Facility. (I just call it the bunkhouse.) It's a cool place, and I got to play with powertools while we re-assembled the bunks.

I got to know the bunks pretty well durring this - which was made more interesting by the names, dates, and little messages left behind by volunteers. Some people stuck with the standard - "Courtney's bed", "Adam slept here." Other people put their favorite inspirational quotes, or bible verses, or song lyrics. Some left advice, from the practical - "Cab ride from Bourbon: 6.80 + tip" to the more philosophical: "Trust your calling."

They ranged from a 12-year-old who came with her church group from Washington DC (Hi, Addison!) to reunion groups with college graduation years well before I was born. I saw schools from San Jose State University in California to Johnson State College in Vermont. (They drew a map.) People listed cities from Seattle to Boston, and I'm pretty sure there were all of the lower 48 states.

From bunkhouse

It may be silly, but seeing these little messages meant a lot to me. Living in New Orleans, it sometimes seems there's a disconnect between us and the rest of the country - that most people don't know or care what happens here. But each note and name is proof that someone did notice, and did care, enough to take time out of their life to come here and try to help.

From bunkhouse


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